Saturday, September 25, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Just snapped this as we were out running a couple of errands this morning after Kenzie's dance class. I've never actually bowled here. The one time we tried to go for a friend's birthday, the wait was something ridiculous like 4 hours, so we left and ended up doing something else.

Kenzie had her second dance class for this fall session this morning. I might have wrote about how bad it was last week. I can't recall. Short story was that John took her on his own, and she had a total breakdown and they left early. This week, I decided to go with to try and help transition her to taking the class with Daddy, since I can't really do much with her at this point, and I'll be busy with the new baby soon. It might take a few more classes for her to get used to being there with just Daddy, but I think she'll eventually get used to it.

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