Saturday, October 30, 2010

303/365 /// 26/365

303/365 /// 26/365
Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Day 26

Today I managed to capture a baby smirk. Yay! She was nice and alert for these photos, which was good.

Apart from running an errand and then taking a drive this afternoon with the girls, today was pretty quiet. John stayed home since he wasn't feeling well. I told him I had no sympathy for him since I had a cold a week or two before Aubrey was born (and it was lingering while I was in labor) and couldn't take ANYTHING for it. He loaded up on Sudafed, and since I took the girls out of the house, he was able to get rest. I didn't get that when I was sick. I still had to take care of Kenzie, while being 37-38 weeks pregnant, and take care of the house. I told him tonight that I can't get sick, since I'm the "Director of Household Operations" and it will be a lot worse if I'm sick, since I have a toddler and a newborn to care for, and still need to keep up on household chores.

Friday, October 29, 2010

302/365 /// 25/365

302/365 /// 25/365
Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Day 25
I just love how blue her eyes look here. They are really more of a grey color, and since I have brown eyes, I'm guessing the chances of Aubrey having her daddy's light blue eyes are really slim. However, she does seem to have his eye shape, so maybe she will end up with blue eyes afterall. It's, obviously, too early to know. We thought Kenzie would have blue eyes too, but she got my brown eyes in the end.

Last night, I remembered I had a Boppy pillow stored away in the storage bench. Aubrey prefers to sit up more when she is awake, rather than lay down, so this pillow might actually help to let me get things done around the house. So far she likes it, and actually napped there today, allowing me to get dishes, laundry and vacuuming done.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

301/365 /// Week 43 of 52

"You dream of the dark age
You dream of the dark age of your youth"

- sufjan stevens, get real get right -

The weather dropped quite a bit today. It went from really windy but temperatures in the 60's yesterday to cloudy, dreary and temperatures only in the mid-40's. Honestly, I kind of like it. Sometimes I look forward to those dreary days especially if I have nothing planned. It's nice to just lounge around with nothing to do on these kind of days.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

300/365 /// Wisp

300/365 /// Wisp
Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
A very delayed THANK YOU to Karin for this great Fish Market dress. It arrived last week, but I haven't had a chance to get around to saying thanks and posting any photos until today. Everytime I thought about it, things just got a little too hectic.

Thanks again for making this. We love it!

Today is my 300th photo for Project 365. Hard to believe I have made it almost all the way through. I've had my days where I was completely uninspired and didn't want to take a photo, but for the most part I've actually really enjoyed this project. Only 65 more days to go!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
I heard Kenzie playing with her blocks this morning, and talking about trains. When I went in her room a little later, she had these all lined up. I guess this was the train she was talking about.

Today Aubrey turned 3 weeks old. It's hard to believe it's already been 3 weeks since she was born. She seems so different already from when she was born.

We've been adjusting well in the last few weeks, and today was the first day where I managed to get both Kenzie and Aubrey down for naps at around the same time. It was nice being able to get laundry done while they were both sleeping. I've taken to carrying Aubrey around in a carrier if necessary, but it's still hard to get simple things like dishes and laundry done when I have her in front of me. On Sunday, we brought the baby swing up from the basement and have started using it when we're downstairs. It has a soothing vibrations feature on it like the little bouncy chair we have upstairs, and she seems to prefer being in the swing over being in the bassinet, especially if she's awake. The only problem with the swing is that Kenzie wants to push her little sister, but she has a habit of pushing it and making it go too fast. So I can't leave Aubrey unattended in the swing if Kenzie is in the least not if Kenzie isn't distracted by the tv or one of her toys. If I do leave her in the room, while I do dishes or something, I just have to constantly check that Kenzie is leaving her alone, which is rarely the case.

Monday, October 25, 2010

298/365 /// 21/365

298/365 /// 21/365
Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Day 21

It was another nice day in Chicago. Tomorrow might be a different story with big storms headed this way. So we took advantage of yet another good day and went for a walk around the neighborhood. It was a relatively good walk until we were almost home. The condo building at the corner of my street (which ironically we used to live at) has a little fenced in yard in front of one of the entrances to the building. I was just minding my own business and strolling home pushing Kenzie in the stroller, carrying Aubrey in the baby carrier, and with the dog on leash in my right hand. To my left I hear a girl yelling at her dog to stay. In the fenced in yard are two dogs, one which was some sort of small terrier type dog that was barking and running towards us. The dog completely ignores its owner and instead climbs through the fence and runs at my dog barking and biting at Zoe. Zoe barks and is getting angry with the little dog, which she has all right to be mad since this little dog is biting at her. Here I am standing at the corner trying to hold my dog's collar, leash and harness to keep her controlled and to avoid her biting the little dog. It probably only lasted a minute, but it felt like forever before the owner finally came out of her yard to get her dog. When she finally did, she hurried back towards the yard. She did ask if I was ok. I replied with something like "Yeah, I'm fine, but I have a 3 week old baby here, keep your dog in your yard." Of course, I was pretty angry and I'm sure there was some tone to my reply. I think she was shocked I said anything, because she looked at me with this look of shock. Maybe she didn't realize I had an infant in a carrier in front of me, but I would have said more to her if I wasn't so annoyed and caught off guard with what had just happened. My nice afternoon walk ended up being really aggravating. I think what was more frustrating was that her dog clearly fit through the fence and she apparently also knew that her dog doesn't like other dogs because she was yelling at it before we even noticed it was there. It was also annoying because she had a leash in her hand, so had she just kept her dog on leash, all of this could have been avoided. Since I walk past this building just about everyday, I'm really hoping that this does not become a regular occurance.

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Today was trick-or-treating in our neighborhood. For the last 10 years, the neighborhood kids have trick-or-treating the Sunday before Halloween. Last year we went, but mostly so we could see what it was all about and I wanted an excuse to dress Kenzie up. This year, she understood what it was about a little more than she did last year. She went as an owl, but unfortunately she did not want to wear the owl hood because I think she was too warm. She still looked cute though. We went out for about 40 minutes and then came home so we could give candy out at our house. Fortunately, we gave away a lot of our candy since I overbought.

The downside of trick-or-treating? All Kenzie wants to eat now is candy. Good thing she ate pretty well earlier in the day because for dinner all she wanted was milk and chocolate.


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Taken in the car while John took the dog into the vet for her annual visit. We were both so tired from a very sleepless night with Aubrey. It was a rainy morning, and we would have much preferred to not have to go out, but Kenzie had dance class. Since it was raining I just went to pick John and Kenzie up so they wouldn't have to walk home in the rain. The vet appointment was right after the dance class anyway, so we just headed straight from dance to the vet. I didn't really want to take both kids in with the dog, so I opted to wait in the car. Unfortunately, it was a long wait, but it was better waiting in the car rather than in a little vet room with a nervous dog.

Friday, October 22, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Today I baked my first apple pie. We pick up fruits and veggies once a week as part of a produce share through the Green Grocer. Among the items we've been picking up, we have had a lot of apples. So many that I decided I needed to bake them into a pie. So I tried my hand at baking a Pennsylvania Dutch Apple Pie. I haven't tasted it yet, since we are going to just take it with to my parents house this weekend. My grandparents haven't met Aubrey yet, so we will head to my hometown so they can meet her. And hopefully my pie will taste ok. My grandma bakes a lot of pies, so if she likes it, then I guess it will pass the test. I may not like to cook, but I do like baking as long as I have the time. Even if this pie didn't turn out well, at least the house smells good.

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Our neighborhood does trick-or-treating a week earlier than Halloween, so I headed out today to pick up candy for the kids. I forgot that the trick-or-treating is already this weekend, and to avoid the weekend chaos of shopping, I decided to go out today and get what I needed. It was my first solo trip out shopping with two kids, and it went pretty well. It might take a bit longer to get them in and out of the car, but anyone who wants my parking spot will just have to have patience. The baby carrier is great, since I still need to keep Kenzie in the cart. She's fully capable of walking, but it would take me at least twice as long to get out of the store if I had to chase her and keep her next to me. So baby carrier for Aubrey, it is.

Today I decided to start back into doing some resistance training. It's only been 2 weeks and going on 2 days since I had Aubrey, but I figured a little resistance training is probably better than not doing anything. I just made sure to use the lightest resistance band, and I'll work myself back up to where I was before I stopped working out months ago. Fortunately, the weather has been pretty nice too, so I'm going to continue taking advantage of the nice weather and make sure I get out for a walk, whenever it's possible.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
The Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation is asking Americans to wear purple on Oct. 20 to show their efforts to support the end of anti-gay bullying. I wore my purple in support of Spirit Day, did you?

For more information on Spirit Day, visit the GLAAD website:

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
"Come on and get the minimum
Before you open up your eyes
This army has so many heads
To analyze...
Come on and get your overdose
Collect it at the borderline
And they want to get up in your head"

- broken bells, the high road -

Yesterday and today I went out for a walk with Kenzie in the stroller, Aubrey in the Ergo carrier, and the dog on leash. It was too nice to not get outside and enjoy the weather. It will be cold here before we know it, so might as well take advantage of the nice fall weather while I can. The dog was much better than she was yesterday. I think there were less squirrels out for her to try and catch today. This little "farm" is located just off Taylor Street. I think it was started in the spring or early summer. I'm not quite sure what the whole story is with this, but it's nice that the empty field that was there is being used for something useful.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Bench Monday | Dollhouse(s) Edition /// 291/365

It's been awhile since I've participated in the Bench Monday group. Of course, I took this photo this morning, but didn't get around to uploading it until now. Things have been a little busy around here. Anyone who already follows my stream knows that I had my second daughter on October 5th, so we've just been adjusting to everything here at home. For some reason, I felt like taking a Bench Monday shot today though. I think part of it was being able to do so. I didn't really want to be climbing on any benches the last couple of months, for obvious reasons.

Today was the first time I went out for a walk without the husband and with my two year old, my newborn, and the dog. It was so nice out that I didn't want to waste the day sitting inside. It wasn't so bad, though the dog is definitely on squirrel hunting mode these days, and keeping her controlled was the challenge.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
We went out to the suburbs today to visit John's parents and sister and her family. Today was his mom's birthday. His sister had wanted to see the baby, so it just made sense to go out their way since they all live in the same area rather than having them come into the city. Plus we've had parents over at our house a lot lately, and we haven't gotten out much since Aubrey was born, so it was nice to just get a change of scenery.

289/365 /// 12/365

289/365 /// 12/365
Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Day 12
A couple of our friends came over last night and brought us a home cooked meal, consisting of baked pasta with tomato sauce and grilled italian sausage and green peppers. mmmm...tasty, and there is enough left over to last us for a couple more meals. It's pretty nice not having to cook for at least a couple days. Especially since we are still trying to adjust to the little night owl's schedule. She tends to be most awake at night, and asleep most of the day. I miss my sleep, but I love this little baby, so it's all worth it.

Saturday, October 16, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Last night we attended a wedding for our friends John and Jen. Kenzie was a flower girl, along with one other little girl and a boy who was ring bearer. Two 2 year olds and one 3 year old. It was interesting. Though we had a rehearsal on Thursday night, we had no idea what to expect when it came time to actually walking for the ceremony. I sat up in front, so that Kenzie would see me and come towards me, while John stayed in back to help get her going. The other girl started walking just fine, but Kenzie didn't want to walk with her. Instead she was behind her and then decided to sprint down the aisle laughing the whole time like it was a game. The ring bearer ended up coming down with his mom. Kenzie never saw me, and all three kids were up in front and we had to basically pull them out of the way so that the bride could come down the aisle. I ended up just pulling Kenzie out of the way, then once the bride passed I quickly snuck out of the room. It was chaotic, but everyone seemed to love the kids even though they didn't really do what they needed to do.

There was a cocktail hour and then dinner. After dinner, the dancing began and Kenzie was again star of the show, dancing it up with the other flower girl and everyone on the dance floor. It was the cutest thing and we loved seeing how happy and excited she was. She danced through several songs before we finally decided we needed to get home. My parents were watching Aubrey and John and I were just really tired from the lack of sleep we've had over the last 10 days. Kenzie didn't want to leave, but fell asleep moments after getting in the car.

It was a fun wedding, and we're happy for our friends.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Tonight we have a rehearsal for our friends' wedding that is taking place tomorrow. Kenzie is a flower girl, which should be interesting. She has never done this before, and is only 2, so we have no idea if she will cooperate or not. The plus is that there will be a second flower girl, and there is also a ring bearer. Hopefully, if the other two kids cooperate, Kenzie will want to do what they do as well. But she is quite the free-spirit and is very independent, so we have no idea what is in store for us. I guess it is practice for my brother's wedding which is next month. She will be a flower girl at that too.

In baby news...we're still trying to get into a routine with the nighttime sleeping. Aubrey slept really well the night before last night, but was up a lot last night. She sleeps so much during the day, I wish she did this at night. I try to keep her awake when she does wake up, but she is still so young she falls right back to sleep, especially if she is warm and comfy in momma's arms. With all that sleeping and eating, she seems to have grown a lot in the last week, and hopefully when we go to the doctor tomorrow for a weight check, they'll be happy with her progress.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Just a simple shot for my 365 today. I ordered this little bouncy chair for Aubrey a couple of days ago. I wanted to get something for her to be in while we are on the computer and want her near us, but I also needed something so that she could be near me while I shower and get ready for the day. Kenzie is way too interested in her when she is in her crib, and I can't guarantee that she won't accidentally drop something in the crib to hurt her. I wasn't expecting this little seat to be delivered until Friday, so it was nice that it showed up yesterday. Especially since John went back to the office today. I had other baby seats that we used with Kenzie, but this one is much smaller in scale and lighter in weight, so it is a lot easier to move from room to room. Plus it has an owl and a squirrel on it. How could I resist?

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Day 8
One week ago today at 8:56 p.m. Aubrey Elise was born. It's hard to believe it has already been a week. We've been adjusting pretty well. I'm trying to get Kenzie involved with the baby by having her help me with things like hand me a diaper or bring me the pacifier. She even tries to help with the bottle, but she doesn't know her own strength and doesn't always understand that the baby is done eating. But we're adjusting and I think Kenzie is going to be a really good big sister, even though she has her moments where she wants something right when I am in the middle of doing something with the baby. I think this is going to make for a good opportunity for teaching Kenzie patience. I know I am going to have to have more patience too.


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
We went for our second family walk with Aubrey today, this time bringing the dog with us. It was really nice out, but really hot in the sun, and the baby carrier was HOT. The weather changed throughout the day, and cooled off a lot by the evening, which was perfect since John was making stew for dinner to try and use up the vegetables we got from our weekly produce share. It was a nice quiet day with just the four of us, and I'm hoping for another quiet day tomorrow. John might be heading back into the office on Wednesday and Thursday, but he will be back home on Friday since I have to take Aubrey to the pediatrician for a weight check. We also have a wedding that evening, and Kenzie is one of the flower girls. This should be interesting, since she's at that age where she really has a mind of her own...I'm just hoping she walks down the aisle and doesn't make a scene.

Sunday, October 10, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Congratulations to all who participated in the Chicago Marathon this morning. We knew a few people who were running it this year, so a big congrats to them! We usually try and watch some of it on Taylor Street, but this year we just watched it on tv.

We did go out for our first walk as a family today, but well after the marathon runners were already through our neighborhood. We really needed to get Kenzie outside to burn off all the extra energy she had this morning. We stopped off at one of the local playgrounds and she ran all over the place, which helped to tire her out. I used the Ergo carrier for the first time, using the infant insert. Once I got it adjusted, it worked out pretty well, and I was able to adjust the insert so that Aubrey wasn't completely upright, which was my biggest concern with using a carrier at such a young age. She seemed to like it, and was asleep the entire time we were out, even though there were kids running around making noise.

Saturday, October 09, 2010


282/365 /// 5/365
Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Kenzie had her dance class this morning, so she and daddy were gone for about an hour leaving the house to just me and Aubrey. It was a nice and quiet Saturday morning, and I took advantage of the quiet time to try and capture a few photos of Aubrey with the real camera (as opposed to the iPhone), and in the process caught some smiles on camera. Yay for baby smiles. :)

It was a pretty low-key day. My parents came over to see the girls, and in the evening John cooked us a delicious steak dinner. Yesterday, John's parents were here to visit. Tomorrow I'm hoping to have a rest day and some quiet time. Tomorrow is also the Chicago Marathon. Part of the course goes through our neighborhood. In past years, we've gone to cheer on the runners, but I think this year we'll be staying inside since it can be noisy with all the people ringing bells and cheering for their friends and family. We know a few people who are running, and though we won't be there, we'll be cheering for them anyways.


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Just a brief break from baby photos. I've taken photos from here before, but wanted to snap another one. This is from the pedestrian walkway that leads from the parking garage to the building where the pediatrician's office is located.

We had our first visit to the pediatrician yesterday for Aubrey. We have to go back next Friday just for a weight check to make sure she gains back her delivery weight. She was 6lbs even when she was born, but at the doctor yesterday she was down to 5 lbs 14 oz. However, she had already gained back a couple of ounces from what she weighed when she was discharged on Thursday at noon. I'm not concerned about her weight. She's been eating really well, so I think she'll be just fine.

Friday, October 08, 2010

280/365 /// 3/365

280/365 /// 3/365
Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Day 3

So on Tuesday I wrote a little bit about how I was having back pains, but I still ran some small errands anyway. I didn't really think I was going to have Aubrey on Tuesday, even though my husband had strong feelings that she would be born on October 5th. I don't know what it was that made him feel that way, but it turns out he was right.

After I came home from shopping on Tuesday, I basically spent the rest of the day just relaxing at home. I was chatting with John and told him that I was having some slight back pain, but I really didn't think the baby would be born that day. I was just at the doctor the day before and when I told her my husband said he thought she'd be born the 5th, she told me "tell your husband, probably not until Friday". Though back pain is a sign of labor, I also knew it could last for more than a day, and I wasn't having any other symptoms of labor...until later in the day. John came home from work a little after 5, and neither of us really felt like cooking (he's the cook, I usually do the clean up). I really had a taste for chicken noodle soup from Panera Bread, so he went out to pick up some quick dinner. He came home around 6:30 and we had dinner together, Well, I tried to have some dinner. I just didn't feel right. A little before 7, the contractions started. I called my parents to let them know what was going on because someone would need to stay with Kenzie if we went to the hospital...and my parents live about an hour away. I decided to take a shower to ease the back pain, then I called my doctor. By this time I had already been timing my contractions and they were 2-3 minutes apart and were getting stronger. She told me to go ahead and go to the hospital so I could get checked out, but I don't think she even thought things were progressing as fast as they were.

Fortunately, the hospital is right down the street. We had no choice but to bring Kenzie with us, since my contractions were getting stronger and I was really in pain. We must have arrived at the hospital a little before 8 p.m., the whole time my pain was getting worse. I have no idea what time I finally got to triage, but John had to move the car to the parking garage so I was on my own waiting to get admitted all the while contractions getting worse. John and Kenzie finally get to triage, but he's told he has to wait in the waiting room because Kenzie is only 2. He decides to go home and hopes that by now my parents are there.

My labor is already more than halfway progressed, so I was moved to a delivery room. I was in so much pain and just wanted something to take the edge off (an epidural was out of the question at this point), but until they could get an i.v. in, I couldn't get anything. Needless to say, they couldn't get an i.v. in because either I was moving, or I was being moved. My doctor wasn't there, and there was no sign of John. The doctor told me to push if I felt like I needed to. The only thing going through my head at this point is to just have this baby. I just knew that once she was born, the pain would go away. Before I knew it (according to one of the nurses it was only about 3 pushes) Aubrey was born at 8:56 p.m. But John wasn't there. Not even 5 minutes later, he came through the door with my mom, and I told him she was born. They already heard because one of the nurses passed him in the hallway and said "Congratulations. Your daughter is born." I think John and my mom were both in shock that she was already born.

I've heard that second babies tend to be born a lot faster, but I never expected it to be this fast. Apparently, Aubrey wanted to make sure she was born on the 5th like her daddy said she would be. She sure made a grand entrance.

279/365 /// Aubrey Elise

Born October 5, 2010 at 8:56 pm
6 lbs
19.5 inches long

Day 2

* catching up with my 365 soon *

Tuesday, October 05, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Over the summer I had ordered this ring, and the day I received it, Kenzie broke it. I tried glueing it with gorilla glue, and it held....for a little while. About a week ago, I went through some of my jewerly and found a necklace with a strap that could easily be removed, so I turned my broken owl ring into a pretty cool necklace. The bonus is that I will probably get more use out of it as a necklace than I did a ring, since it was pretty big.

In other baby-related news, I've been having a little back pain today. I still headed out to Target to walk around and pick up a few last minute things, but I'm guessing that walking around could only help progress things along a bit rather than sitting around the house watching tv. I have a pretty good feeling that we might not make it until Friday, and baby might be joining us sooner. *fingers crossed* If I have to feel like this for the next few days, that will not be fun. I don't want to jinx anything, but if I'm not around for a few days, you probably can guess where I am.

Monday, October 04, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
"Late that night
Hearing voices
Empty cars
Out on the highway
Slowing down
Waiting for morning to come"

- the feelies, the last roundup -

I had a doctor appointment today, and the doctor is guessing that Baby #2 will be here by Friday. My grandpa's birthday is on Thursday, so maybe she will be his birthday gift and be born on the 7th. We'll just have to wait and see what she has in store for us. The last few weeks of pregnancy are just a big waiting game, and seem to really be dragging by. I know she'll come when she's ready. I just wish I really knew when that would be.

Sunday, October 03, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Yesterday I had the worst headache all afternoon and into the evening, and my cold seemed to come back full force. It was so irritating. All I wanted to do was sleep it off, but I couldn't even sleep even though I tried. It was the kind of headache that just lingered all day, and made me want to do absolutely nothing, which is basically what I did. Today I woke up feeling much better, thankfully.

Today I did a little re-arranging of some vases and things on some shelves. It was much needed and things look less cluttered. I guess it was the last of the "nesting". I'm technically due next Wednesday, but baby could be joining us any day now. John thinks she will be born on the 5th. She seemed to "drop" last night, so he might be right. I go and see the doctor tomorrow, so we'll see what she has to say.

Saturday, October 02, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Today was week three of Kenzie's fall session dance/creative movements class. I didn't go this week, but had hoped that it would go better than the first week when John and Kenzie went on their own. Fortunately, it did go better, which is a major relief. Since John will be the primary one going this time around, it was important that it wasn't stressful like it has been the last two weeks. They had a few moments where Kenzie wanted to do her own thing, but I guess it was much more successful, and Kenzie did most of what she was supposed to do in the class. She's so much more independent than a lot of the other kids taking the class, and though that is a good thing, when it comes to a classroom situation it can be frustrating when she doesn't want to do things like the other kids. I'm just going to hope that each week she gets better at following directions in class, and that she can use Saturday mornings to bond more with Daddy. She doesn't see him enough or spend as much time with him as she does with me since he is the one working, so if they can have their special one on one time on Saturdays that will be a good thing.

Friday, October 01, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Christopher Columbus fountain
Little Italy, Chicago

Since the weather was so gorgeous today, and is expected to drop about 15 degrees by tomorrow, I decided to go out for a short walk around the neighborhood again today. I wanted to take a photo of this fountain the other day, but the water was off. Today it was back on, so I snapped a couple photos. It won't be long before the water is shut off for the winter. I think it's usually on until the end of the month, then it's off until Spring. Always a sure sign that the cold winter months are ahead of us.