Monday, January 03, 2011

3/365 /// Week 1 of 52

Riedell R3 Derby Skates

As I've written previously, I am starting a program called Derby Lite through the Oak Park Park District. My first class starts tonight. As I've also written before, I am nervous, anxious and excited. Tonight will be a good solid two hours of me time...just me. No time to worry about the kids, or what's going on everywhere else. Just me. And that's something I really need right now. TIme for myself.

I'm doing another 52 Weeks project this year. Since this is my third time around with the 52 Weeks project, I am switching it up a bit. This year will be all about the shoes. This should be fun. After all I am a shoe fanatic. So to start things off, these are my derby skates.

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