Friday, January 14, 2011


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
"Here again, at the end
Before the beginning
So the salt will spill again
Throw it over your shoulder

Oh it's in tomorrow
Fortune or sorrow
Wait you may win
I don't mean to show
That I know how this goes
Before we begin again"

- broadcast, before we begin -

r.i.p. trish keenan of broadcast

Ahh...the end of the week. Finally. We're going to attempt a family dinner date tonight. Our first Friday night dinner since Aubrey was born. We're planning to check out the new restaurant that just opened down the block from our house. Hopefully, it will go well.

I finished off my week with some circuit training/weights and a 2-mile run. Phew. I burned over 2100 calories this week, so that's pretty nice. That's not even including the little neighborhood walks I've taken this week. I planned to just do the weight training today, but then decided to go ahead and run/walk a mile. After I hit the mile mark, I decided to go ahead and go another mile. I've been getting addicted to working out. Not that I love it, but I feel really guilty the days I don't. Especially if I haven't done anything else apart from sit around the house. I'm trying to keep things switched up enough so I don't get bored. I'm looking forward to the warmer weather this year, so I can get outside and switch things up a bit.

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