Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Day 8
One week ago today at 8:56 p.m. Aubrey Elise was born. It's hard to believe it has already been a week. We've been adjusting pretty well. I'm trying to get Kenzie involved with the baby by having her help me with things like hand me a diaper or bring me the pacifier. She even tries to help with the bottle, but she doesn't know her own strength and doesn't always understand that the baby is done eating. But we're adjusting and I think Kenzie is going to be a really good big sister, even though she has her moments where she wants something right when I am in the middle of doing something with the baby. I think this is going to make for a good opportunity for teaching Kenzie patience. I know I am going to have to have more patience too.

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