Friday, July 16, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
I didn't have any photos taken for today, so I just snapped a couple of John. So here is a rare husband photo for the 365.

John was away this week in L.A. for work. He left Monday, and got back around midnight last night. He worked from home today, which was a great help, since I needed to go do the glucose test for gestational diabetes. I failed the one hour and unfortunately had to go back for the three hour. This happened with Kenzie, and I passed the three hour. I'm really hoping for the same results this time around. There is something just so draining (no pun intended) about sitting in a lab for 3+ hours and having blood drawn every hour. I think I read all I could read to last me for the next week. I was so tired by the time I got home, I ate some lunch and ended up taking a nap while Kenzie took one.

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