Saturday, July 16, 2011


195/365:2 by daisy plus three
195/365:2, a photo by daisy plus three on Flickr.

My brother is house and dog sitting this weekend for some of his friends in the suburbs. They have a pool, so he invited us over to come swimming. I haven't gone swimming since my parents had a pool (they took it down years ago...maybe 10 years ago?). As a kid when we had a pool, we would spend hours in it. We'd swim, go have lunch, take a little break, swim some more, have dinner and probably swim some more. We had so much fun.

We headed off around noon and spent a few hours there. I was hoping Kenzie would love it, but she was scared and only wanted to sit in a raft that she was calling a boat. We had Aubrey in the "boat" too. We tried putting arm wings on Kenzie to see if she would feel safer, but she didn't like that either. So she sat with Grandma and Grandpa watching us swim. Oh well. I think she had fun even though she didn't really want to swim.

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