Tuesday, April 05, 2011


95/365:2 by daisy plus three
95/365:2, a photo by daisy plus three on Flickr.

I had been wanting to take the kids to this new playground in the neighborhood, so after a quick walk with the dog, we headed out to play. It wasn't crowded, which was nice, but the playground itself is pretty crazy. Kenzie had fun. There are three different slides, and I think she tried them all. There were lots of angled sides and elevations so the kids can do lots of climbing. I have a feeling though that if it is really crowded there is a pretty good risk of kids falling down the elevated areas. Overall though, it's a pretty fun park. Unfortunately though, we ended up with our first playground injury of the year after Kenzie tripped and hit her forehead right into the step leading up to the little slide. I thought she bumped her chin, but then discovered she bumped her head. She has a huge knot there now. We came home and I iced it and after about an hour she seemed to be back to her normal self. She had lunch and was taking care of Eeyore (pretending he hurt his head too). She's taking a nap now, and I'll just keep a close eye on her to make sure it's not anything other than a bump.

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