Saturday, November 13, 2010

315/365 /// Week 45 of 52

"clouds of birds
make shadows on the moss
fields of kale
all patterned with ice"

- brett anderson, the swans -

It was rainy today, but we headed out anyway to do a little bit of shopping. John needed to get new shoes since he wore his out. He ended up getting two new pairs of boots and a pair of Converse. I, of course, had to get a pair too, getting a pair of green Converse. We had stopped at Marshall's too, and I found a purple color wool coat that has a sort of military look to it. I don't think John loved the color, but I thought it was kind of fun. When I tried it on at home (I tried it on at the store while wearing the baby in the sling), John said I looked like one of the Sgt. Peppers. I guess, he thought I would be mad, but I just thought it was kind of funny. I found a purse too with owls printed on it, and I think I might use it as a purse and diaper bag combo since it has lots of pockets. We definitely ended up buying more than we planned to, but we got some good deals on what we did get today.

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