Monday, June 28, 2010


Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
A rather boring photo, I know. I was trying to get a shot of the new rug and drapes in the nursery, but couldn't get a good shot without there being too much shadowing. The rug looks a lot lighter in this photo, but I think it's just the way the sun is hitting it. It's actually the same color as the curtains. Although, we're having a second girl, I really want to try and keep this room more green and orange. I'm trying hard to try and keep the two bedrooms distinct from each other, but since I like a lot of the same things for Kenzie's room and Baby #2's room, it's hard. As much as I would love to continue the owl theme into this room, I'm going to *try* and stay away from it. I would love to try and do something a little different in here, though I know when it's finished it will probably look just like Kenzie's room just in a slightly different color palette.

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