I was tagged by Dawn. I'm not tagging anyone, but if you want to do it, go for it.
Six names you go by.
1. Shannon
2. Daisy
3. Shan
4. Mamma
5. The Shanninator
6. S
Three things you are wearing right now.
1. A pale yellow tank shirt
2. Green suede Chie Mihara sandals
3. A necklace by Skalli that I bought when I was in Paris
Four things you want very badly at this moment.
1. To be finished with the painting in our home office
2. To see the sun, and not this cloudy, dreary day
3. An iPhone 4G - which is funny, since I never geeked out that much over a phone before
4. The baby carrier I ordered over a week ago
Three people who will answer this.
1. Whoever
2. wants
3. to
Two things you did last night.
1. Finished a book I was reading
2. Watched "Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist" on Netflix
Last two people you talked to on the phone.
1. My mom
2. John
Two things you are going to do tomorrow.
1. Probably walk the dog
2. I have no idea, maybe laundry and some cleaning
Three favourite drinks.
1. Margaritas (probably the only drink I have actually missed while pregnant)
2. Coffee
3. Peach iced tea
::The Random Fact Ingredient::
I have a really good memory. If you tell me something, I typically won't forget it. Sometimes I act like I don't remember something just to avoid making the other person feel silly for not remembering. And it really annoys me when I know a conversation went one way, but people say it went another way.
Rules are simple :
take a photo of yourself and answer a couple of easy questions.
1. Your nickname ?
Daisy is probably most used
2. Your favourite colour ?
Green and Orange
3. Your favourite city?
Well, I'd have to say Chicago, since I live here and it's a pretty great city. If I could live anywhere else in the world, it would be Paris and then London.
4. Your favourite book ?
I have read far too many books to have a favorite. "High Fidelity" by Nick Hornby was a favorite for awhile, but it really depends on my mood.
5. Your favourite film ?
Depends on my mood too. Some favorites that come to mind are: "Almost Famous", "Amelie", "Dead Poet's Society", "Napoleon Dynamite", "Never Been Kissed".
6. Your favourite album ?
There is no possible way for me to name a favorite album. My favorite album of the moment is probably "High Violet" by the National.
7. Favourite season ?
I love the Fall. The weather in Chicago is more consistent, and still warm, and I love the changing colors of the trees.
8. Favourite TV-series ?
I don't really have one.
9. Your favourite animal ? If you can't say a cat or a dog.
10. How many languages do you speak ?
Only one, though I would love to learn enough French to speak it fluently. I only know bits and pieces, and everything I learned for our Paris trip in 2007 has pretty much flown out the window.
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