"wind her up
and she cries real tears
rock this baby
through the tender years
you just pull the string and she does her thing
you'll have a walking, talking baby doll"
- alex chilton, baby doll -
Most of my flickr contacts already know this, but I collect dolls. Not just any kind of doll. Typically Blythe dolls, which is in my photo, but also other types of asian made dolls, like Lati, Pullips, Dals, Fairyland. My obsession started 2 years ago. The doll in the photo is my first Blythe doll. She arrived here in February of 2008. Like most Blythe collectors we all say we will just have one, but that number usually never stays at one. All in all I have had 17 Blythe dolls in my house. I've sold two, and a couple were gifts. My husband is a little creeped out by all the dolls, but I keep them in my sewing room, so he doesn't have to see them very often.
Anyway, this is Astrid my Mod Molly Blythe doll, and ironically she was my Valentine's gift from my husband. He didn't really want to buy me a doll for Valentine's Day, but it was what I wanted. He still doesn't really understand what it is about these dolls that makes me (and my dolly friends) so crazy.
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