Or we could bomb
Or we could try
Like super hard"
- le tigre, let's run -
First off, when searching for the song and lyrics I wanted to use for this photo, I got so thrown off, because when you actually listen to the song titled "let's run" it's actually the song "my my metrocard". Then I remembered that the titles didn't match the songs on part of the cd. So if you search for this song, you may or may not get the correct song.
Anyway, today's picture is of my running shoes. They used to be so clean, but I use them a lot, and well keeping white trainers clean is near impossible. So even though they may look poor, they are still good shoes and are probably the best trainers I have for running. I think I'm due for a new pair actually. Before I started running/jogging I would wear these when walking around the neighborhood while pushing the stroller and walking the dog. They just give me this extra bounce in my step and I always feel like doing a little jog when I wear these. Unfortunately jogging with a stroller that is not a jogger stroller is not practical, and my dog does not jog. My dog runs. She's a Rhodesian Ridgeback. Ridgebacks are very fast dogs. I don't run that fast.
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