Thursday, June 09, 2011


160/365:2 by daisy plus three
160/365:2, a photo by daisy plus three on Flickr.

I really hate waiting around. I also really hate when you are given a time frame, and the person you are waiting for shows up at the last possible second.

We had been having problems with our cable again (most likely because of all the rain we have had) and a tech was out on Saturday. He scheduled for a new line to be run outside our house, but also suggested we change the cable in the house. We did that and our service greatly improved; however, our dvr was still not working. So I called on Tuesday to get the dvr fixed, and instead of making things better it was worse. We ended up losing our cable Tuesday around 4 p.m. (when I called) and were out of luck until a tech could come out today to replace the box. The earliest appointment was today between 1 and 4. Of course, I figured if I went anywhere this morning they would have called and arrived early like they were on Saturday. But I also figured if I didn't do anything or go anywhere they would be late. And late is just what they were, showing up right at 4. At least the cable is fixed now and we have a brand new box. It was still frustrating though having to wait around all day, though I did manage to get laundry done and even reorganized some kitchen cabinets, which needed to be done anyway.

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