Wednesday, April 27, 2011


117/365:2 by daisy plus three
117/365:2, a photo by daisy plus three on Flickr.

I thought I would have taken at least a photo of the kids today, but I was busy. This was just a photo I snapped trying out a camera app that I downloaded. I attempted potty training *again* today. This time I really stuck with it, and kept Kenzie in underwear and the plastic covers for most of the day. I also asked her about a million times if she needed to use the potty. She would sit on it, but still nothing. She had three accidents while wearing underwear. I was hoping after the first accident that she would have remembered to go to the potty. Especially, since she was so upset about it. Of course, all three incidents occurred literally minutes after I asked if she needed to use the potty. We will try again tomorrow. She was really excited to wear her "Gabba Gabba" underpants, but that still wasn't enough to keep her from going to the bathroom in them. I really don't think she liked the wet undies, so I'm hopeful a few more tries will be successful. This is one of the things she has been most stubborn about. For as smart as she is with everything else, I never thought pottytraining would be so difficult.

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