Friday, October 08, 2010

280/365 /// 3/365

280/365 /// 3/365
Originally uploaded by daisy plus three
Day 3

So on Tuesday I wrote a little bit about how I was having back pains, but I still ran some small errands anyway. I didn't really think I was going to have Aubrey on Tuesday, even though my husband had strong feelings that she would be born on October 5th. I don't know what it was that made him feel that way, but it turns out he was right.

After I came home from shopping on Tuesday, I basically spent the rest of the day just relaxing at home. I was chatting with John and told him that I was having some slight back pain, but I really didn't think the baby would be born that day. I was just at the doctor the day before and when I told her my husband said he thought she'd be born the 5th, she told me "tell your husband, probably not until Friday". Though back pain is a sign of labor, I also knew it could last for more than a day, and I wasn't having any other symptoms of labor...until later in the day. John came home from work a little after 5, and neither of us really felt like cooking (he's the cook, I usually do the clean up). I really had a taste for chicken noodle soup from Panera Bread, so he went out to pick up some quick dinner. He came home around 6:30 and we had dinner together, Well, I tried to have some dinner. I just didn't feel right. A little before 7, the contractions started. I called my parents to let them know what was going on because someone would need to stay with Kenzie if we went to the hospital...and my parents live about an hour away. I decided to take a shower to ease the back pain, then I called my doctor. By this time I had already been timing my contractions and they were 2-3 minutes apart and were getting stronger. She told me to go ahead and go to the hospital so I could get checked out, but I don't think she even thought things were progressing as fast as they were.

Fortunately, the hospital is right down the street. We had no choice but to bring Kenzie with us, since my contractions were getting stronger and I was really in pain. We must have arrived at the hospital a little before 8 p.m., the whole time my pain was getting worse. I have no idea what time I finally got to triage, but John had to move the car to the parking garage so I was on my own waiting to get admitted all the while contractions getting worse. John and Kenzie finally get to triage, but he's told he has to wait in the waiting room because Kenzie is only 2. He decides to go home and hopes that by now my parents are there.

My labor is already more than halfway progressed, so I was moved to a delivery room. I was in so much pain and just wanted something to take the edge off (an epidural was out of the question at this point), but until they could get an i.v. in, I couldn't get anything. Needless to say, they couldn't get an i.v. in because either I was moving, or I was being moved. My doctor wasn't there, and there was no sign of John. The doctor told me to push if I felt like I needed to. The only thing going through my head at this point is to just have this baby. I just knew that once she was born, the pain would go away. Before I knew it (according to one of the nurses it was only about 3 pushes) Aubrey was born at 8:56 p.m. But John wasn't there. Not even 5 minutes later, he came through the door with my mom, and I told him she was born. They already heard because one of the nurses passed him in the hallway and said "Congratulations. Your daughter is born." I think John and my mom were both in shock that she was already born.

I've heard that second babies tend to be born a lot faster, but I never expected it to be this fast. Apparently, Aubrey wanted to make sure she was born on the 5th like her daddy said she would be. She sure made a grand entrance.

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